The Rocks Teppanyaki FAQ

~WHY IS JAPANESE WAGYU DIFFERENT? ~ Wagyu is known by prefecture, in Japan. We use Kagoshima and Matsusaka Grade 5, regarded as the very best in the world. The high fat-to-meat ratio results in meat that melts at low temperature, to create a sublime mouth and flavour experience that cannot be matched by any other wagyu in the world! ~ WHAT AUSTRALIAN WAGYU DO WE USE? ~ All wagyu is about fat! The

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Wine and Japanese Food Pairing

Japanese cuisine at Kobe Jones is a unique blend of fresh ingredients that mix both traditional and modern influences. It’s all about clean flavours, pure ingredients and creativity. Many Japanese dishes can be very simple, often containing only a few ingredients that really pack a punch. Pairing wine with Japanese cuisine may seem a little odd at first, however it can actually offer some seriously successful flavour combinations, enhancing the

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Japanese Traditions for New Year’s

When people in the Western world think of New Year’s Eve, we mostly think of getting glammed up, enjoying champagne and canapes, and ringing in the New Year by counting down the seconds to midnight with family and friends. However, the end of the year is celebrated in many different ways all over the world. In Japan, people usually celebrate New Year’s Eve in a quieter fashion than Australia. But

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