Amazing Miniature Japanese Cooking Videos

We all know that Tokyo is one of the most overcrowded cities in the world and that homes, apartments and hotels are getting smaller all across Japan. The introduction of the capsule hotel in 1979 showed just how tiny living space can be. But it’s a series of new YouTube clips that is taking the Japanese small trend to a new extreme. Over the last few months, the Miniature Space

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Summer Scallop Recipe: Miso-Glazed Scallops with Soba Noodles

Whether you pan-fry them, sear them, use in a pasta sauce, wrap them in bacon, eat them in a salad or serve them in soup, scallops are wonderful things to cook with. They are mildly sweet, delicate and delicious and when cooked correctly have a decadent texture like no other seafood. Another bonus to scallops is that they are low in calories and packed full of healthy nutrients. A 3.5-ounce

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The Art of Preparing and Eating the World’s Deadliest Fish

It is estimated that each year in Japan, there are between 20 and 40 cases of poisoning courtesy of the fugu fish. Symptoms from poisoning include dizziness, exhaustion, headache, nausea, difficulty breathing and even death. Fugu is the Japanese name for the world’s most delicate, expensive and dangerous fish. Australians may know it better as the pufferfish, globefish or blowfish. While illegal in most parts of the world, the Japanese

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