Kobe Jones - Japanese Words to Learn

15 of the Most Important Japanese Words to Learn

Learning another language is a fantastic way to challenge your mind and take up a new hobby that you can work on easily in your spare time. Japanese is definitely not the simplest option when it comes to choosing a language to learn. But if you’ve ever thought about visiting Japan or you have some Japanese friends, it will definitely pay off! Whether you’re learning Japanese through classes, a mobile

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Kobejones - Health Benefits of a Japanese Diet

Everything You Should Know About the Health Benefits of a Japanese Diet

With fitness and food culture booming in Australia, people are always on the lookout for new cuisines that taste amazing and are healthy. As incomes increase globally, people are eating out more often, often turning to restaurant foods that are high in ‘empty calories’, refined sugars, fats and carbohydrates. Japanese cuisine has long been known as one of the healthiest available. With its emphasis on fresh seafood, ‘good’ fats and

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Kobejones - Japanese Philosophies

10 Japanese Philosophies Everyone Should Be Aware Of

Japanese people integrate ancient philosophies into their daily practices. There seems to be a piece of Japanese philosophy to suit every stress or struggle in life. Often they can be really helpful to clear your mind and determine the best path to take. Japanese philosophies teach us how to be gentler, kinder and more mindful, both towards ourselves and to others. For a culture that values treating others with respect

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